Here you'll find the answers to what the difference is between the license types, as well as general rights and legal information.
Non-exclusive license: The media pays a one-time fee to gain the right to use a specific piece of content. The content can be used by the media on a permanent basis.
Exclusive time-limited license: The media pays a one-time fee and gains an exclusive right to use a piece of content within a specific country for twelve (12) months.
If your content has been used for anything not aligned with Byrd's terms & conditions, please write to Please provide your username, email and relevant information on the issue.
We work with verification tools to make sure that no one but you can make money on your photos and videos. However, nothing is bullet proof, and if you see something that does not belong on Byrd, that violates yours or anyone else's rights, please use the report function by emailing Make sure to include all relevant information.
All content on the platform is the property of the photographer, who uploaded the content and the content is protected by intellectual property laws. After a sale of a license, the user retains full rights and ownership of the Content, subject to the terms of the agreement between Byrd and the user. Publishing any content on the platform grants Byrd perpetual, revocable, transferable, sublicensable, worldwide royalty-free right to display and facilitate the sale of the license of any content available on the Byrd platform.